
Membership is open to all interested individuals. You do not need to be a master quilter to join our guild or even know how to quilt. Quilters, sewists and fiber workers of all levels are welcome.

Members Only

If you are a paid member, please click on button below to be redirected to Members Only page (password required).


Yearly dues are $36, payable in March of each year. Guests are free up to two visits with a $10 fee thereafter. Membership dues for new members who join during the year are $17.50 after September 1st.

Benefits of Membership Include

gqg membership benefits
gqg membership benefits 2

Responsibilities of Membership Include

gqg membership responsibilities

Numbers Speak For Themselves!

Guild Started
Quilts Donated

Membership Form

Please complete the form below for your membership details and then you will be redirected to the payment page to pay your $37 yearly membership fee.  Please note that both the form and payment must be competed for your membership to be active. 

If you want to pay  via cash or check, please download and complete this form and mail it to:
Gateway Quilters Guild
P.O. Box 3693
Merced, CA 95344

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