Great opportunities to help others seldom come,
but small ones surround us every day.
Sally Koch

Gateway Quilters Guild (GQG) members are kind and generous by nature. Since we formed in 1985, we have been giving back to our community with donations of materials, quilts and of our time. We share the art of quilting with displays at local events and beginning quilt classes.
We provide quilts for children placed in foster care to hold and cuddle. We make and deliver special pillowcases for Valley Children’s Hospital to give to comfort little patients. GQG gives reassurance for the new college bound student as part of UC Merced’s Guardian Scholars program. We assist adults by sharing our quilts with the homeless or displaced, and Veterans from our local area to honor their service. Assisted living facilities receive our wheelchair quilts and fidget quilts to stimulate Alzheimer patients.
Numbers Speak For Themselves!
Quilter’s Embrace

May this quilt keep you safe from harm
May it be your good luck charm
I do not know your name, nor the mountains you face
But what you hold in your arms is a Quilter’s Embrace.
Each quilt given has a special label sewn onto the back.
With permission from Kathy Miller, from the song “Quilter’s Embrace”
Veteran’s Quilts
Veterans quilts are made in patriotic colors and may even contain the branch of service which the veteran served. We have presented quilts to veterans living in our local area, starting with WWII, the Korean War and are currently working on Vietnam Vets.
In addition, we would like to thank B.P.O.E. Elks Lodge #1240 for their generous donation of cotton batting to assist us in completing our veterans’ quilts.

Sample of Veteran’s Quilts
Guardian Scholars
Guardian Scholars is a program at UC Merced to provide a network of academic and personal support services that promote degree attainment for foster youth at UC Merced.
As a quilt guild located in Merced, we are proud to partner with the Guardian Scholar’s program and provide each incoming freshman a quilt for their dorm room.

Learning to Quilt
In 2019, our guild started a beginning quilt class for guild members to fill in the void when Merced Junior College closed their Community Service class of quilting.
The class covers the tools quilters commonly use, how to buy fabric, how to read a quilt pattern, sewing tips and finishing. The new quilter completes three projects that progress in skill and teach the basics of quilt making. This is a very ‘hands on’ and interactive class. It is a great way to learn and make new friends in the guild.
This fun and lively class is taught by various guild members. We meet in the Gracey Room of the Merced County Library, 2100 O Street, Merced.
In addition, our guild provides sew days, quarterly free for members. Participants bring their machine, a current project and sew from 9:00-3:00. You can ask others for advice, chat and deepen friendships.
Annually, our guild provides two, $500 scholarships to Merced College re-entry students.
Applications can be picked up from Merced College Financial Aid Scholarship Office. Deadlines are set by the college and are due in the spring. The scholarship is for re-entry, full time students. The scholarship, once awarded, is given to the student and divided in half for each semester.

Frequently Asked Questions
Quilter’s Embrace normally meets every Thursday, 7:00 p.m. at a member’s home. We cut backings, piece quilt tops, quilt on a long arm machine, sew on labels, and bind quilts.
- Create a quilt or a quilt top of your own design (backing and batting are appreciated, but not necessary)
- If you are making a top to be quilted by QE the recommended sizes are 40” x 50” or 56” x 70”
- Quilts of Valor are no less than 55” x 60”, no more than 72” x 90”, ideal is 60” x 80”
- Cut and assemble a kit (Contact Virginia or Lori)
- Donate a completed top
- Search through your stash and donate unwanted fabric (see fabric donations below)
- Fabric — 1/4 yard pieces or larger — no scraps please
- 100% cotton fabric — washed if possible
- Large pieces of batting — at least one yard — no scraps please
- Large fabric donations (multiple bags and boxes) are accepted by arrangements with Lori or Virginia
- If you are making a top to be quilted by QE the recommended sizes are 40” x 50” or 56” x 70”
- Quilts of Valor are no less than 55” x 60”, no more than 72” x 90”, ideal is 60” x 80”
- The ideal size for a Guardian Scholar quilt is is a long twin (60” x 95”).
- An Alzheimer’s fidget quilt is approximately 16” x 20”
- A wheeler chair quilt is roughly 34” x 34”
UC Merced colors are yellow and blue.

Fidget quilts for Alzheimer patients. Sizes are 16” x 20”.
Dress a Girl Around the World
How to make a Dress from the Pattern
As we sew these dresses for the beautiful girls around the world, let’s think…if I put this dress on my daughter or niece or granddaughter, would she be proud to wear this? If the answer is “YES!”, then that dress is ready for a little girl in need.
Tools: Fabric, elastic, bias binding, embellishments, scissors. Safety pin, thread, sewing machine, sewing pins.